Hello! My name is Norbert!

Enrich your email lists with data that builds relationships

I can fetch the current job title, company, location and social profiles of the person behind the emails on your list.

How many emails to enrich?
I will only ask you:


They trust me with email verification

Facebook, AirBNB, Google Ventures, Intel, Twitter, Oracle, Snapchat

Norbert turns emails
into real people.

…so you can build real relationships.


A verified email address allows for a hello, but not for a relationship. Enriching your lists with additional data points like companies, job roles, locations and social media profiles adds context that builds relationships and drives conversion. You’ll know better who and how to target: the right message to the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

Elon Musk Elon Musk
Hawthorne, United States
Bill Gates Bill Gates
Redmond, United States
Reed Hastings Reed Hastings
Hawthorne, United States
Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos
Los Gatos, United States
Darth Vader Darth Vader
Sith Lord
Death Star, Galaxy

Thousands of people trust Norbert to keep them out of spam's way

We’ve been using VoilaNorbert for a while now at Salesflare and I’m impressed with both the usability of the product and quality of the leads. If you want to easily find and verify email addresses or get your data enriched, this is the right tool.
Jeroen Corthout
Jeroen Corthout
Co-Founder & CEO of Salesflare
This is a must-have tool for anyone that's looking to do email outreach and campaigns that involve personalization, customization or segmentation. Big fan!
Jim Hiffman
Jim Huffman
Co-Founder & CEO of GrowthHit
The best thing about Norbert is how accurate it is. Return rates are well above what I was used to from other tools and the emails don’t bounce either. I imagine this is due to the fact that they also have a strong email verification engine running in the back which is also available as a separate service.
Jelle van de Vliet
Jelle Van De Vliet
Growth Hacker at The Growth Revolution
I use the Norbert Chrome Extension for finding email addresses when doing link building. Being able to do it all within Chrome without leaving the site is super helpful. It's one of the quickest and one of the most accurate at uncovering email addresses.
Vincent Nero
Vincent Nero
Content Marketer at Siege Media
Accuracy and precision: I trust Norbert 100%. I have been doing cold mail outreaching for my company's in-house products for a while now. Norbert always helps me out when I'm blocked and eases my work effectively than any other apps I have ever used.
Aksa Victoria
Aksa Victoria
Growth Hacker & Content Marketer at Sygul Technologies
Voila Norbert is great for getting the email addresses you need. It’s also easy to use: you just type in the name, last name, domain and get the email address in return. We’re using it for lead generation, retrieving contact information of marketing leaders, as well as advertising decision makers.
Lara Zakarian
Lara Zakarian
Sales & Partnerships Manager at SitePoint and SnapMunk
With Enrich, Norbert has become the default go-to solution for email outreach. I absolutely love the pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Bill Stathopoulos
Bill Stathopoulos
Growth Strategist at GrowthRocks
I already was a VoilaNorbert user, but the addition of Enrich just made the product so much better. This is a huge time saver for those that are doing outbound prospecting.
Benji Hyam
Benji Hyam
Co-Founder of Grow&Convert
Fantastic product. Easy to use, providing instant value. Great for retention, learning more about our customers as well as helping out with conversion from trial to paid users.
Michal Sadowski
Michal Sadowski
Co-Founder & CEO of Brand24
It's super valuable to have this information for nurturing and to figure out who downloads our content.
Patrick Whatman
Patrick Whatman
Content Marketer at Mention

Add quality to quantity

At scale. In seconds. Compliant with regulations.

Enrich contacts at scale.

Turn email addresses into comprehensive profiles at scale in full compliance with required data regulations.

Complete contact records.

Gain a complete view of people of interest across their personal and professional lives.

Get to know your audience.

Leverage publicly available information from hundreds of sources to understand.

Call Norbert through the API

Email list data enrichment on auto-pilot.

Integrate Norbert's Enrich API for real-time email enrichment in your products, databases, and processes. Available for PHP, Phyton, Ruby and .Net.

Three easy steps

Let Norbert work for you.

Hand in your email list.

Upload your email list or copy-paste it into my system.

Get a cup of coffee.

Sit back and grab yourself a cup of joe while I work my magic.

Comprehensive contact profiles.

Download your email list, complete with powerful data points.

Let’s enrich your email list

Turn emails into relationships.


Have over a million emails to enrich? Get in touch.

Have more questions about Norbert?

Do you have an API?

Yes! You can activate yours and consults docs over here.

How do you charge?

I'll charge you only $.04/email up to 2k, $.02/email up to 50k and $.015 above that. $4 minimum charge. The more you verify, the less you pay!

How many emails can I run through Enrich?

As many as you want! If you have a huge amount and are doubtful, feel free to reach out for confirmation.

How long does it take to run a search?

I’m lightning fast, but if your list is really big it can take a couple of hours. The good news is that you don’t need to stay around while I source valuable contact information. Just carry on with what you have to do and I’ll let you know when I’m done working my magic via email.

What kind of file format is accepted?

I currently accept CSV files. You can easily export as .CSV from Google Sheets or Excel. Too hard? just paste your email column in the copy/paste section!

Do I have to sign a contract? Create an account?

No and no. You don't have to create an account and even less enter in some kind of agreement with me. Just submit your list of emails, I'll process them straight away and get them back to you all nice and enriched with companies, job roles, locations and social media profiles.

What kind of data can you enrich my emails with, Norbert?

That’s right. For every email of a lead you have, I can source additional data points like the companies they work at, their job roles, location and various social media profiles.

Will you find companies, job roles, locations and social media profiles for every single email?

I can't guarantee the full package of data enrichment for every single email. Email enrichment is quite complex and data can get outdated as people change companies, jobs and locations. That said, I spent the last couple of years trying to figure things out and I think it's working pretty well, but I can't say that it's foolproof. To maximize results, I recommend you to verify your email list first so I can work with emails that are guaranteed to be valid.